We currently have a UK funding round open and it will close on Sunday 21st July at midnight.

Please see below for the funding restrictions for this round. 

We will only be accepting applications supporting three of our aims; Refugees and Asylum Seekers, Human Rights and Social and Economic Inequality with a particular interest in;

  • Refugees and Asylum Seekers - Specifically projects working to change policy and protecting the UK’s ability to continue to grant asylum and support refugees fleeing persecution. 
  • Human Rights - Particularly projects protecting the closing space for freedom of expression. 
  • Social and Economic Inequality - Projects focusing on: 1. Homelessness or people at risk of homelessness or 2. Food sovereignty solutions. 

We have not yet confirmed a date for our next Overseas round. Please check back in a few months.

If you have a question about applying under one of the above aims please send them to contactus@evancornishfoundation.org.uk. Any queries relating to aims not included in this funding window may not be responded to. 

Please refer to our UK eligibility criteria here - https://www.evancornishfoundation.org.uk/eligibility#uk-eligibility 


UK Projects

We currently have a UK funding round open and it will close on Sunday 21st July at midnight.

Please see below for the funding restrictions for this round. 

We will only be accepting applications supporting three of our aims; Refugees and Asylum Seekers, Human Rights and Social and Economic Inequality with a particular interest in;

  • Refugees and Asylum Seekers - Specifically projects working to change policy and protecting the UK’s ability to continue to grant asylum and support refugees fleeing persecution. 
  • Human Rights - Particularly projects protecting the closing space for freedom of expression. 
  • Social and Economic Inequality - Projects focusing on: 1. Homelessness or people at risk of homelessness or 2. Food sovereignty solutions. 

Please note: applications can only be submitted using our online application process. The application form can only be accessed when the application window is open as above. The Trustees will not consider speculative applications at other times throughout the year, nor will they consider applications or requests for funding sent via email or by post.


Please check that your organisation meets our eligibility requirements before applying to ECF

socialJusticeUK Projects - Eligibility
Can we apply to ECF?


If you are a first time user, please register using the button below. You can skip this step if you already have login details.

The email address you use to register will be the address that all future correspondence will be directed to, including a confirmation email when you have succcessfully submitted the application form (please check your junk mail folder if you do not receive this confirmation in your inbox).


Complete the application form by clicking on the button below. (NB This can only be accessed when we are accepting applications, not at other times. The form will autosave your work as you progress.)

To complete the form, you will need:

  • Detailed budget information relating to your project
  • A copy of your organisation’s most recent audited accounts
  • Details of an independent, UK-based referee who is not affiliated to your organisation
  • (Optional) a piece of supporting information to complement your application


If you have not applied to ECF before, the maximum you can apply for is £5,000.
If you have applied to us successfully before, you may apply for a higher amount. Reapplicants usually apply for between £5,000 and £10,000. You can apply for more than this, but you may not receive the full amount awarded even if successful. ECF occasionally grants multi-year funding where a strong case is made for the need of such, but generally our grants are for a 12-month period.

Please ensure you have read all the information above before proceeding to the application form.

Registration Window Currently Closed


If you have never applied to us before: you will next hear from us with the outcome of your application. Please do not chase us for a reply; we will reply to every applicant as soon as possible.

If you have applied to ECF previously: your application will go through several stages of decision-making. If your application passes the first stages of our process, you will then be contacted by one of our team to arrange a meeting, where we can discuss your application in more detail. A final decision will then be made at a subsequent next Trustee meeting. (Please do not request a meeting with the Trustees prior to submitting an application, we’re afraid this is not possible.)

We inform all applicants of the outcome, whether successful or unsuccessful.
If you are successful: We will let you know what you need to do next to take up the offer.
If you are unsuccessful: You will be able to reapply after 12 months in the next appropriate funding round, provided you meet the criteria. Please note that you should not reapply if you have been unsuccessful on more than one occasion. We are unable to provide individual feedback to unsuccessful applicants.